Wanted: Hair Stylists to join the Soho Founders Club

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Michelangelo.

Speaking on behalf of the entire ownership group at Soho, I think we’d all agree that the last four weeks since opening day has truly been an exhilarating ride with countless more “ups” than “downs”. Thanks to our amazingly supportive clientele who have searched for us high and low, both Sandy and myself are extremely grateful to have been able to hit the ground running. In an effort to maintain our momentum and service the new clients that have been calling and visiting daily, I am excited to announce that it’s time to invite two new hair stylists to work at Soho.
Starting from the day Soho was conceived in our minds, Soho was always going to be more than a one-salon company. I was fortunate to have a group of successful business advisors and partners that were able to help formulate our multi-salon vision during the business planning process. The plan is extremely clear; we will open three Soho locations in and around the City of Edmonton within the next five years and the owners, who will be financed and mentored by the Soho partnership group, will be Soho stylists. Hence the Soho Founders Club was born!
Although the following list could be a mile long, here are some important characteristics of the stylists that we want as members of the Soho Founder’s Club.
• super stylist
• dreams of owning a salon
• craves the hair industry
• is not scared of client retail education
• has taken the initiative to invest and further your education
• wants to be successful
• enjoys team building
• does not have big ego
• loves fashion
• is a great listener
• asks every client for referrals
• lives to go the extra mile
• is not afraid to clean or do laundry
• willingly accepts guidance
• inspires people
• has big dreams
• has a clientele
• thinks Vidal Sassoon is a God
• has a passion for learning
• is happy where you are but are ready to take the next step
• see’s value in pre-booking
• desires to be successful
• can market yourself
• wants to be mentored and believes in fostering salon culture
Our dream is to create and operate the most successful and well-known salon in Edmonton, in Alberta and even in Canada and we recognize that to make this happen, we’ll need an “A-Team” of fabulous stylists who want to be Soho owners. Think this is you? If so, take a read through this list and if you can answer “yes” to the following questions, please email us at and tell us more about yourself.
• Dress Sense: Are you stylish? Contemporary? Do you look like you are in the fashion industry?
• Make-up: Do you wear make-up? If so, is it well applied and modern looking?
• Punctuality: Are you always at work before your first client? Do you run on time?
• Communication Skills: Do you communicate well with other team members, managers and clients?
• Speed: Are you quick and efficient with your time?
• Education: Do you believe that investing in education is a necessity? Have you invested in education?
• Charm: Do people generally like you? Are you charming, well mannered and polite?
• Advertising: Do you believe the following statement? Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and it’s generated by the stylist and not by the “boss”.
• Discretion: Do you avoid gossip? Are you trustworthy and discrete?
• Retail: Do you truly believe that there is value to the client and salon in promoting retail products?
• Self Motivation: Are you a self starter?
• Fun: Are you fun to have around? (not grumpy and too serious)
• Self Discipline: Do you keep yourself in check and constantly look at how you can improve? Can you keep focused on your own?
• Good listener: Do you spend more time listening to your client than you do talking about yourself?
• Clean clothes and shoes: Are your shoes always clean? Are your clothes clean? Pressed? In a state of good repair?
• Haircut: Does your haircut look like an example of good hairdressing? Is it fashionable? Is your hair in good condition?
• Colour: Do you have colour? Is it well done? Does is it suit you?
• Happy: Do you look happy? Do you smile? And look like you are enjoying life? (as opposed to looking tired, miserable and worn out) • Conflict: Do you deal with conflict in a constructive way?
• Complaints: Do you handle client complaints well? (as opposed to getting defensive and blaming the client)
• Health: Do you look after yourself? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? (as opposed to partying too hard and a history of missed work)
• Greeting: Do you greet every client by introducing yourself and using their name? Do you always say hello to other stylist’s clients?
• Clothing protection: Do you go out of your way to protect clients’ clothes?
• Salon equipment: Do you take pride in keeping salon chairs, stations and equipment clean and in like new condition?
• Help with bags and coats: Do you help all clients with coats and bags as they make their way in and out of the salon?
• Attitude: Are you someone with a “can do” attitude and goes out of your way to try and make it possible?
• Receptive and intuitive: Are you receptive and intuitive to clients needs i.e. do you know if they want to talk and or sit quietly and relax?
• Go the extra mile: Are you someone who looks for opportunities to go the extra mile and make a clients experience better?
• Follow up call: Would you ever give a client a follow-up phone call to ensure they are happy with a new haircut or colour?
• Escort: Do you escort clients around the salon?
• Proactive about customers time: In the event you may be running late do you go out of your way to phone and offer clients alternative options?
• Music selection: Do you follow the music guidelines of the salon or do you put something on to please yourself?
• Cleaning: Do you believe that is it your job to help keep the salon clean? Will you help vacuum, mop, dust, clean retail shelving, do laundry, hang smocks, empty garbage containers and clean the bathroom (including the toilet)?
I believe that real success is to love what you do. If you are stylist who wants to one day own your own salon and work in an environment where everyone loves what they do, then we invite you become a member of the Soho Founders Club. Send us an email to
Carole Lemire
Soho Facebook Page

My inspiration – Vidal Sassoon