Carole’s Interpretation Of Sassoon’s Hot Rod Collection

The hottest trend in hair for Fall/Winter 2012 is a colour technique from Sassoon’s latest collection called Hot Rod. The collection is themed after the work of Swiss photographer Karl Heinze Weinberger whose gritty images depicted the stylishly disaffected Zurich teenager’s dubbed halbstarke or “half strong”. The colours in the collection are sectioned into flame shapes reminiscent of the 50’s era custom cars. The placement of the colour is strategic and meant to give the illusion that the hair is flickering and dancing as the hair moves.
Here are a few pictures of Soho Super Stylists Jodie and Lia embracing their inner Hot Rod. A little colour goes such a long way and done properly, a simple and small panel of colour can make for an exciting change.

Ask your Stylist at Soho about the Hot Rod collection the next time you are in the salon. Who knows, you may just leave with a bit of “flame” in your hair? : )
Carole Lemire
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